This course provides an overview of the fundamental principles governing fluid behavior. Topics include fluid properties, hydrostatics, fluid dynamics, and real-world applications in engineering.
- Properties of fluids: density, viscosity, surface tension
- Fluid statics: pressure distribution, buoyancy, stability
- Fluid kinematics: flow types, streamlines, vorticity
- Fluid dynamics: conservation laws, Bernoulli’s equation
- Dimensional analysis and similarity
- Internal and external flows
- Pipe flow and energy losses
- Lift and drag in aerodynamics
- Hydraulic machinery (pumps, turbines)
- Environmental fluid mechanics (river and ocean currents)
Teaching Methods
The course is delivered through lectures, laboratory demonstrations, and computational simulations. Interactive problem-solving exercises help reinforce key concepts.
- Continuous assessment: 10%
- Midterm exam (written): 25%
- Final exam (written): 65%
- Mechanics of Fluids by I.H. Shames, 2003
- Fluid Mechanics by F.M. White, 2010
- Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by B.R. Munson, 2012
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by R.W. Fox, 2015